CLI Utilities Reference
This document lists the command line interface (CLI) tools available from the Manta Node.js SDK as well as the CLI tools available to you in the compute environment.
Client-Side Utilities
These commands are installed locally on your machine as part of the Manta Node.js SDK. They are also available to your jobs in the compute environment.
- mls - Lists directory contents
- mput - Uploads data to an object
- mget - Downloads an object from the service
- minfo - show HTTP headers for a Manta object
- mjob - Creates and runs a computational job on the service
- mfind - Walks a hierarchy to find names of objects by name, size, or type
- mlogin - Interactive session client
- mln - Makes link between objects
- mmkdir - Make directories
- mmpu - Create and commit objects using multipart uploads
- mrm - Remove objects or directories
- mrmdir - Remove empty directories
- msign - Create a signed URL to a object stored in the service
- muntar - Create a directory hierarchy from a tar file
- mchmod - Change object role tags
- mchattr - Change object attributes
Compute Environment Utilities
These commands are available to your jobs in the compute environment.
- maggr - Performs key-wise aggregation on plain text files.
- mcat - Emits the named object as an output for the current task.
- mpipe - Output pipe for the current task.
- msplit - Split the output stream for the current task to many reducers.
- mtee - Capture stdin and write to both stdout and a object.
See Compute Environment Software for a list all of the software that is preinstalled in the compute environment.