maggr - performs key-wise aggregation on plain text files.


maggr [-c#=[op list] -c#=[op list] ...] [-t#= -t#= ...] [-f file] [-d input delimiter] [-o output delimiter] [-T format list] [-i inner output delimiter] [op list] maggr -l


maggr produces statistics from text streams. To get the current list of supported aggregation functions, invoke maggr -l.


echo -e 'foo 1\nbar 1\nfoo 2\nfoo 5' | ./bin/maggr sum,mean
foo 8,2.6666666666666665
bar 1,1

$ echo -e '1 2\n3 4\n5 6\n7 8' | ./bin/maggr -c2=sum mean
4 20

$ echo -e '1 2 3\n4 5 6\n7 8 9' | ./bin/maggr -c2=sum,max mean,min
4,1 15,8 6,3

$ echo -e 'foo 1\nbar 1\nfoo 2\nfoo 5' | \
    ./bin/maggr -c1=key -c2=count,sum sum
foo 3,8 12
bar 1,1 3

$ echo -e 'foo:1:2:3\nbar:4:5:6\nfoo:7:8:9\nbaz:10:11:12' | \
    ./bin/maggr -d ':' -o '-' -c1=key sum

$ echo -e 'foo 1 2 3\nbar 4 5 6\nfoo 7 8 9\nbaz 10 11 12' | \
    ./bin/maggr -i "#" -c1=key -c2=sum,mean -c3=count
foo 8#4 2
bar 4#4 1
baz 10#10 1


-c Specify a list of operations to perform on a column. Column numbers begin at 1. You can specify multiple operations, separated by a ','. For example, to get the mean of the fifth field: -c5=mean.

-d String that separates the input columns. Default is an empty space (" ").

-f Read from file instead of reading from stdin.

-i String that separates results for a single column when multiple operations are specified. Default is a comma (",").

-l Lists supported operations.

-o String that separates the columns in the output. Default is an empty space (" ") or the input delimiter as specified by -d.

-t Specify a list of format patterns to perform on a column. Column numbers begin at 1. You can specify multiple operations, separated by a ','. For example, to format the fifth field: -t5=%.2f.

-T String that represents list of format patters for output.


key Treats the column as a key column. Aggregation will be performed for each set of keys found in the specified key column(s).

nop Ignores the column.

count Counts the number of rows.

max Finds the maximum value.

mean Calulates the mean (average) value.

min Finds the minimum value.

range Calculates the range of the values in the column.

sum Sums all values in the column.

ovariance Calculates the online variance from values in a column. Great for when counting large amounts of data and is much less prone to loss of precision.

variance Calculates the variance from values in a column. Uses the robust two-pass algorithm for computing the variance.

stddev Calculates the standard deviation from values in a column. Based on the robust two-pass algorithm for computing the variance.


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